Legal Notice
Next Estate GmbH
Kollwitzstr. 38.
10405 Berlin
Tel.: +49(0)30 40 30 100 0
Fax: +49(0)30 40 30 100 15
VAT ID: DE264806773
Registered in the Commercial Register B
of the Charlottenburg Local Court, HRB
under No. HRB 119303 B
Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:
Licensed pursuant to section 34c of the German Industrial Code [Gewerbeordnung] by the Pankow borough administration, Fröbelstrasse in 10435 Berlin, for acting as an intermediary for contracts relating to properties, land rights, commercial and residential space and loans.
Responsibility for the contents of the website: Mr William Telford Jr.
Scope of responsibility: The legal notice shall be valid only for the internet presence at the domain
No responsibility: Next Estate is not responsible for the content of linked external websites. The web presence is part of the www and accordingly, it may be linked with external websites which may be subject to alteration at any time and which are therefore not within this scope of responsibility and for which the information below is not valid. The fact that the links neither offend common decency or violate any laws, was checked exactly one time: before they were included here. Links to external web projects are included in our menu “Links”.
Responsible for the content pursuant to section 6 of the German legal framework for electronic media [MDStV]: William Telford Jr., address see above.
Purpose of this web project: Information concerning the offers of Next Estate GmbH.
Journalistic and editorial responsibility: William Telford Jr., see above
Copyright Protection and Use
Pursuant to section 28 of the German Federal Data Protection Act [BDSG] I object to any commercial use and disclosure of my data. The owner grants you the specific right of use to make a copy for personal use. In contrast to this, you shall not alter materials and/or pass them on to third parties or to publish them yourself. Unless otherwise agreed, the holder of the copyrights for texts is: William Telford Jr.
Most of the illustrations are subject to the copyright of William Telford Jr. or the Next Estate team.
Privacy Policy
Personal data is collected only with your knowledge and your approval. On request, you will receive information free-of-charge about what personal data is stored. In this regard, please contact: William Telford Jr.,
No liability:
The contents of this website have been created carefully and to the best of our knowledge. The information offered here does not claim to be complete, up-to-date, of quality or correct. No responsibility whatsoever is accepted for damages incurred by trusting the contents of this website or its use.
Infringement of intellectual property rights: If you assume that this website causes an infringement of one of your intellectual property rights, please let us know immediately by email to ensure immediate rectification. Please note: The more time consuming process of engaging a lawyer for issuing a warning notice to the service provider, subject to charge, is not in the real or purported intent of the latter.